Feast Day: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Mount Carmel continues to be a significant part of my BVM life. History tells the story of Hermits who lived on Mount Carmel in the 12th century and later of miracles attributed to Mary saving John…
Our Lady of Mount Carmel continues to be a significant part of my BVM life. History tells the story of Hermits who lived on Mount Carmel in the 12th century and later of miracles attributed to Mary saving John…
Please join in prayer for these sisters and associates attending the 2018 Ecumenical Advocacy Days in Washington, DC. Below are some of their reflections and biographies. Kimberly Emery, BVM Associate Virginia I have wanted to attend EAD for several years.…
I grapple with this question each Good Friday morning at the Pentagon. At 7:00 a.m. thirty to fifty people meet on Army-Navy Drive just outside the Pentagon property, we walk in solemn procession to the “protest area” allotted near a…
Many years ago, I wore a leg cast for six weeks following a skiing accident. I still remember how wonderful it felt to finally have the doctor remove the cast and then gently wash my itchy leg with warm, soapy…
The Lenten season brings different meanings to each of us. For me, it is particularly a season of reflection as well as promise and change. Frequently during the years I look back on whether I am doing all I can…
What is a Journey? A trek across the country? A simple movement from one part of the city to another? A trip to visit a loved one? Early in my adult life I learned the joy, the challenge, the anticipation…
When I read the words, “Return, O Israel, to Your God.” in the reading from Hosea, I heard echoes of Ash Wednesday. In Joel 2:12, God says to us “Return to me with your whole heart.” I also hear the…
God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son; so that everyone who believes in him might have eternal life (JN 3:16). Jealousy, resentment, and anger, all destructive emotions, nearly consume Joseph’s brothers: “When his brothers saw that…
Traditionally, the practices of the season of Lent have been prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Prayer, the lifting of our mind and heart to God, has taken on various forms throughout the centuries – from novenas, rosaries, and the divine office, …