Just Wondering

I’m reminded of the ancient wisdom that teaches that wonder and curiosity can be pathways to love. Author and spiritual guide Parker Palmer says, “When the going gets rough, turn to wonder.” That is practical advice for how to set aside judgment and really see another for who they are—whether another person, a place, an event, whatever.
Find Something You Can Hold
Find something you can hold
In the cup of your upturned hands—
A smooth round stone,
A feather or a leaf,
A ripened red tomato,
Or even just the precious space—
Find something you can hold
Tenderly before you
With equal parts wonder and care
As if you held an ocean or the sky,
Then bend a knee or bow
Before you set it gently down.
In this way maybe we can learn
How to love each other.
—Associate Sean Bradley, Spiritual Care Coordinator
The imagery and poetry of Wonder is so inspiring. RoseAnn